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Landmine Explosion Kills Two Electricity Technicians in Deir Ezzor

Landmine explosion in Syria - Archive

A landmine explosion killed two technicians from the public power distribution establishment in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor earlier today.

Technicians from the public Electric Power Distribution Establishment were heading to the site where ongoing work was carried out on the Al Mayadeen – Al Bukamal high voltage rehabilitation near the town of Ad Duwayr in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside when their vehicle drove over a landmine and triggered, the explosion killed two technicians immediately, the head of electricity distribution center in the establishment said in a statement.

Landmines continue to kill and maim innocent Syrians all over the country in places infested by NATO-sponsored terrorists of Al Qaeda and hundreds of its affiliated terrorist groups, the leading NATO countries also impede the Syrian state’s efforts in demining the liberated areas with the inhumane blockade and sanctions it imposes on Syrian entities and foreign entities that carry out any work in Syria or with Syrian-based businesses.

Syria is depending on its own resources in addition to essential help from friendly countries in removing these killing tools planted under the ground and in the shapes of toys and household items, it is an exhaustive effort especially that the USA and its cronies do not share the maps of the landmines planted and left behind by the terrorist groups it and each of its cronies funded with hundreds of billions of their taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars.

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