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Venezuela Floods: Massive Natural Disaster Displacing 20,000 Families

Venezuela Floods 2022

Venezuela floods led to massive outages in water, electricity, and communication, it destroyed homes, and farms, and cut off roads; over 20,000 families were displaced.

The government in Caracas announced emergency measures for relief and construction as thousands of more homes were damaged by heavy rains and mudslides, especially in the western regions of the country with flash rain reaching three times the seasonal average.

The video is also available on YouTube, BitChute, Odysee, and Rumble.

Meanwhile, Venezuela continues to suffer under the inhumane US and Western European embargo and illegal unilateral coercive measures resisting the hegemony of the regimes in Washington to take over the country’s oil industry and gold reserves.

Multiple US-led regime-change operations were foiled by the Venezuelan security, some carried out by Israeli assassins against President Nicolas Maduro.

The current natural disaster hitting the country will not sway the ‘civilized west’ to lift their evilness off the country, they will double down to try to squeeze concession out of the Venezuelan people, their history around the globe spells such behavior.

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1 Comment

  1. Jack Oliver

    Rothschilds owned CERN using Radio Frequency cavities cause this !

    CERN is a weather modifier based on Nikola Tesla’s ‘discoveries’ – it must be shut down by whatever means possible !


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