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Panic at Israeli Tel Aviv Airport Caused by a Syrian Golan Souvenir

Tel Aviv airport panic after bomb scare

The Israeli Tel Aviv airport went into a state of panic and complete chaos over a rusted metal item discovered with an American family; reports from occupied Palestine confirm.

An American family brought back an idol to worship from the holy lands, as it appears to be, turned out to be an unexploded shell taken as a souvenir by the family heading back home.

The video is available on YouTube, BitChute, and Rumble.
The Souvenir that sent Tel Aviv airport into panic
The ‘souvenir’ the American family was taking back home with them.

Security officials sounding an evacuation alarm was enough to scatter all passengers at the departure hall in the Ben Gurion airport (Tel Aviv airport), Ben Gurion is one of the lead terrorists and founding fathers of the temporary Zionist colonial entity dubbed ‘Israel’, stealing the name of Prophet Yacoub (Jacob) who was also known as Israel.

No reports yet on where this American family found their souvenir, a rusted piece of metal, whether from a shop or they just picked up an item from the ground during their illegal visit to the occupied Syrian Golan.

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