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3 Turkish Soldiers Sniped in the Occupied Northern Idlib Countryside

Erdogan Turkish soldiers killed in Syria

Three Turkish soldiers sniped in their illegal military post in the northern countryside of Idlib, northwest of Syria, yesterday, Saturday 16 January evening.

An unknown armed group calling itself ‘Abi Bakr Siddique Brigade’ claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement saying: ‘The sniper detachment of the Abi Bakr Al-Siddique Brigade targeted one of the main Turkish NATO army bases stationed in Batabo – the northern countryside of Idlib, in the evening of Saturday with heat snipers, and three casualties were achieved.’

Media outlets run by terrorist groups loyal to the Turkish madman Erdogan confirmed the attack but claimed the Erdogan soldiers were injured, the injuries of one of the soldiers are severe, they added, however, many other outlets confirmed that all three Turkish soldiers were eliminated.

This is not the first time this group carries out an attack on the invading Turkish troops, there were two previous operations that resulted in the killing of one Turkish soldier, at least, and injuring others.

NATO member states, and their allies around the world, are known to hide the reality of casualties among their troops for a number of reasons, the main reason is to avoid domestic uproar since all the military operations carried out by NATO member states abroad were for no good with no exception and their people are happy when the spoils are collected but feel upset when they have to bleed for it. Another reason is a mere propaganda to show their soldiers as superior against their opponents which are mostly local resistant groups even though NATO troops despite winning the initial battles they have lost every war they were involved in abroad.

The Turkish Army is of no exception, especially with their assigned tasks in northern Syria serving literally as human shields for Al Qaeda terrorists. Turkish army lost many soldiers since the beginning of the Turkish invasion of the country to serve Erdogan’s anti-Islamic tasks in the ‘Greater Israel Project’ formerly called the ‘Greater Middle East Project’.

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1 Comment

  1. Huda Hajjar

    الله يزيد عدد قتلاهم حتى ينقلعوا من بلدنا مجموعة مجرمين أوباش ارهابيين


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