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Israel asked Russia’s Help in Returning an Israeli ‘Girl’ Arrested in Syria

Russia President Putin and Israel War Criminal Netanyahu

Israel is pressuring its Russian ally to secure a release of an ‘Israeli girl arrested after Syria by mistake’ offering to release two kidnapped Syrians in exchange, multiple sources confirmed.

SANA, the Syrian official news agency, reported on the news and confirmed there’s a Russian mediation ongoing effort to release the ‘girl’ in exchange with Nihal Al Maqt and Dhiyab Qahmouz, two Syrians kidnapped by the illegal Israeli occupation forces in the Syrian Golan.

Nihal Al Maqt, the sister of the legendary ‘Syrian Mandella’ activist Sidqi Al Maqt who spent 32 years in Israeli detention centers and was released 8 months after Russian military police operating in Syria snatched part of the remains of an Israeli IDF terrorist killed in Lebanon and was buried in the Yarmouk Camp for Palestinian refugees in Damascus.

Nihal was sentenced last June 2020 by a so-called ‘Israeli court’ to 3 years in an Israeli detention center, she’s been prosecuted since 2017 for campaigning to release her brother Sidqi Al Maqt from the Israelis.

Dhiyab Qahmouz was kidnapped from the Syrian village of Al Ghajar in the occupied Syrian Golan in September 2016 along with his two brothers and his cousin, he’s been held captive by Israel since.

Israelis kidnap Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians from their homes to later use them in its bargaining deals to secure the release and return of its people killed and arrested in Syria and Lebanon, it does so to boost the ever-diminishing morale among its settlers that they have some value. There are thousands of women, children, and men held captive in Israeli detention centers and Israel refuses all international ‘shy’ requests to release them, of course, no such requests come from its sponsors in the fake humanitarian NATO countries.

Ever since the European radical settlers were exported to Palestine early last century and the region suffers from one war crime after the other by those settlers and their western sponsors.

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