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Talking is Cheap: Turkey and USA Condemn Aggression against Syria!

Astana Talks on Syria

Syrian oil and land theft are condemned, Israel’s continuous aggression against Syria is condemned, Kurdish attempt to Israelize territories in Syria is condemned, fighting terrorist groups in Syria is a must, Syria’s territorial integrity and sovereignty must be respected.

The above is part of the final statement of the 14th round of talks at the Kazakh capital Nursultan (aka Astana Talks) in regard to the Syrian crisis. Observers, like myself, are bewildered.

All of what is aforementioned are the norms in international law, shouldn’t even be a point of debate or discussion. Astana Talks are the evolution of the former fruitless Geneva Talks which were dominated by criminal-minded states spearheaded by the US and its NATO cronies in addition to the Gulfies and representatives of al-Qaeda with a shy presence of states that respect the international law like Russia and a veto against the presence of Iran.

Astana Talks, on the other hand, are fruitful, somehow, talks guaranteed by normal countries plus Turkey. Iran and Russia are the two guarantors from the Syrian and international law side, while Turkey is the supposed-to-be guarantor of al-Qaeda and its affiliates.

Those committing all sorts of atrocities in Syria want to respect Syria’s sovereignty, reject the theft of its oil, and do not want Syria to turn into a fail state like Afghanistan where ISIS flourishes…!

Meanwhile, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov was in Washington and met the heads of the destabilizing force in the world Trump and Pompeo, with each of the parties talking to different walls.

The following report by the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen news channel sheds some light on the latest development in Astana and Washington:

The video is also available on BitChute:

Transcript of the English translation of the report:

The final statement of the guarantor states of the Astana formula on Syria, held in the Kazakh capital of Nursultan, on Wednesday rejected attempts to create new realities on the ground in Syria, including illegal autonomy initiatives, under the pretext of combating terrorism.

Final statement of Syria’s Astana talks condemns illegal transfer of oil revenues and the ongoing Israeli military attacks in Syria.

The final statement of the Astana talks on Syria announced opposition to the illegal transfer of oil revenues and stressed that it should return to Damascus.

The statement condemned the ongoing Israeli military attacks in Syria and stressed the rejection of attempts to create new realities on the ground in Syria under the pretext of combating terrorism.

The statement also expressed serious concern about the increased terrorist activity of HTS in the de-escalation zone and called for the safe and voluntary return of refugees.

For his part, Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations Bashar al-Jaafari announced that Syria has not been invited to the summit to be held in Istanbul next February, Jaafari stressed that Syria does not have diplomatic relations with Turkey, he noted that the Turks continue to occupy part of Syrian territory and are largely behind the Syrian crisis.

Bashar Jaafari Astana talks on Syria

From Washington, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed the need to free Idlib completely from terrorists and restore Syrian government control over it.

Lavrov, who met with the US president, noted at a joint press conference with his counterpart Mike Pompeo that Turkey has not yet been able to separate the ‘armed militants’ from Nusra Front (Al-Qaeda Levant) terrorists in Idlib.

On his way to the White House, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov carried a lot of files, the road between the two capitals is not covered with flowers.

Between Washington and Moscow, thorny issues may not be tolerated by the table of discussion between the two sides, however, the Russian and U.S. ministers came out at a press conference during which the two put forward their positions on several issues.

Sergei Lavrov: I informed Pompeo that Idlib has turned into a place to breed terrorists, unfortunately, our colleagues in Turkey have not yet been able to separate the armed opposition from Nusra Front, we have doubts about Jabhat al-Nusra’s relations with Washington, Nusra Front still exists and continues to attack Syrian military and civilian positions and the Hmeimim base, this status quo can never be maintained, this region must be completely liberated from terrorists.

Mike Pompeo: With regard to the Syrian crisis, we are with the international resolution on resolving this crisis, and we agree that there is no military solution to the Syrian crisis, and we must do everything we can so that Syria does not once again become a hotbed of ISIS, like Afghanistan..!

End of the transcript.

النص العربي للتقرير

أعلن البيان الختامي لمحادثات أستانا بشأن سورية معارضة النقل غير المشروع لعائدات النفط وأكد أنها ينبغي أن تعود إلى دمشق

البيان دان الهجمات العسكرية الإسرائيلية المستمرة في سورية وشدد على رفض محاولات خلق حقائق جديدة على أرض الواقع في سورية بذريعة مكافحة الإرهاب

كما أعرب عن القلق البالغ تجاه تزايد النشاط الإرهابي لهيئة تحرير الشام في منطقة خفض التصعيد، ودعا لتسهيل العودة الآمنة والطوعية للاجئين

من جهته أعلن مندوب سورية الدائم لدى الأمم المتحدة بشار الجعفري أن سورية لم تدعى إلى القمة المزمع عقدها في إسطنبول في شهر شباط المقبل وأكد الجعفري أن سورية لا ترتبط بعلاقات دبلوماسية مع تركيا مشيراً إلى أن الأتراك ما زالوا يحتلون جزءاً من الأراضي السورية ويقفون على نحو كبير وراء الأزمة السورية

ومن واشنطن أكد وزير الخارجية الروسية سيرغي لافروف ضرورة تحرير ادلب بالكامل من الإرهابيين واستعادة سيطرة الحكومة السورية عليها

لافروف الذي التقى الرئيس الأمريكي أشار في مؤتمر صحفي مشترك مع نظيره مايك بومبيو إلى أن تركيا لم تتمكن حتى الآن من فصل المسلحين عن إرهابيي جبهة النصرة في ادلب

في طريقه إلى البيت الأبيض حمل وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف الكثير من الملفات، الطريق بين العاصمتين غير مغطى بالورود

بين واشنطن وموسكو ملفات شائكة قد لا تحتمل طاولة النقاش بين الجانبين طرحها كلها ولكن الوزيرين الروسي والأمريكي خرجا في مؤتمر صحفي طرح الاثنان خلاله مواقفهما بشأن عدة قضايا

سيرغي لافروف: أبلغت بومبيو بأن ادلب تحولت إلى مكان لتفريخ الإرهابيين وللأسف زملائنا في تركيا لم يستطيعوا حتى الآن فصل المعارضة المسلحة عن جبهة النصرة، لدينا شكوك في علاقات جبهة النصرة مع واشنطن، النصرة لا تزال موجودة وما زالت تهاجم المواقع العسكرية والمدنية السورية وقاعدة حميميم، لا يمكن أبداً الحفاظ على هذا الوضع القائم، لا بد من تحرير هذه المنطقة بالكامل من الإرهابيين

مايك بومبيو: فيما يتعلق بالأزمة السورية، نحن مع القرار الدولي بخصوص تسوية هذه الأزمة ونحن متفقون على أنه لا يكون هناك حل عسكري للأزمة السورية ويجب أن نقوم بكل ما بوسعنا لكيلا تصبح سورية مرة جديدة مرتعاً لداعش مثل أفغانستان

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  1. jbor

    Russia and Syria have major defensive problems in Syria when it comes to european invaders and thieves a simple adjustment would render their air power useless calculating the speed of the fastest stealth jets even an s200 would completely immobilize their air superiority

  2. ian

    I already have done. I prefer to watch things on Bitchute if people make them available there as it is all in one place. You are doing the right thing by having videos on your own site as you never know when these other sites will disappear.


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