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Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Slams the EU for Renewing the Sanctions

Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Damascus

The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs slammed the European Union for the renewal of the economic sanctions and blockade it imposes against Syria for another year, it shows their hypocrisy.

An official source at the Ministry stated that ‘once again, the European Union institution proves its complete distance from reality, its full partnership in the unjust war on Syria, and its responsibility for the bloodshed of Syrians and destruction of their achievement.

Moreover, ‘The European Union’s renewal of unilateral, inhuman coercive measures against Syria uncover false values of this institution because these coercive measures affect the Syrian citizens in their life, health, and livelihood, and constitute a flagrant violation of the most basic human rights and principles of international humanitarian law.’

The official MoF source added in the statement carried by SANA: ‘It became clear that these coercive measures represent one aspect of the war on Syria,’ the timing of the renewal of the draconian measures is weird as ‘the Syrian people and the heroic Syrian Arab Army managed to defeat terrorism and its supporters, and their massive flocking to ballot boxes in the presidential election, they proved that they are more determined to foil all attempts aimed at influencing the independence of the Syrian national decision’ the official source said.

Finally, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs source concluded their statement: ‘The institution of the EU has lost credibility and influence in events in the region and the world due to its wrong approaches and its blind subordination to the US policy.

At times the European Union claims their fake care of the suffering of the Syrian people, they are an essential tool in the hands of the USA in inflicting that suffering. The Syrian people’s welfare was very well before the USA waged its wars of terror and attrition against Syria and wants to impose its style of ‘democracy’ at the hands of the likes of the Turkish madman Erdogan, the Saudis, Qataris, and Al Qaeda with all its derivates, such democracy, and free speech are evident in the countries the USA managed to export its rotten products to.

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