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Search Results for: aleppo

With Moderate Rebels Like These Who Needs Terrorists?

The Obama regime insists on fooling further their foolable citizens by claiming they’re aiding a ‘Moderate Rebels’ faction against terrorist organizations like ISIS, and against the government of Bashar Assad in Syria, which the ‘global legitimacy distributor’ decided it lost its legitimacy.

obama ‘Moderate’ Thugs Liberating Orphans from Life

Obama moderate thugs liberating orphans from life Member of Aleppo Chamber of Commerce Fares Shehabi in a photo with the youngest child in the substitute building for the refugees in Aleppo. They had to relocate the refugees to a new building as Obama moderate thugs were trying to ‘liberate’ the orphans from this life. Turkey’s Erdogan waits impatiently each day to find his thirst for blood with news of how many Syrians are killed by moderate terrorists trained on his land by his army, he must be very rich now with the organ trade of those his thugs managed to kill and steal their bodies warm, the new palace he built with this trade that Turks and their buddies the Israelis lead the world with: Human organ trade business. Timeline Photosصورة مع أصغر طفل في دار الأيتام

The Only Force Fighting Terror for Real: SAA

The Only Force Fighting Terror for Real: SAA, Syrian Air Force Rules the Skies in Aleppo; 117 Airstrikes in 24 Hours Air Force Rules the Skies in Al…

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