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iceland the only free european country reminderhttpicelandreview comnews

Iceland the only free European country, reminder:

FBI Came to Investigate Wikileaks in Iceland
A group of FBI agents arrived in Iceland in August 2011, requesting collaboration with Icelandic police authorities to investigate Wikileaks, as revealed by Wikileaks spokesperson Kristinn Hrafnsson on RÚV’s news magazine Kastljós last night.

der yassin this is how israel was created with the western blessings money an

Der Yassin: This is how Israel was created, with the western blessings, money and political cover.

Timeline Photos
On April 9, 1948, members of Zionist paramilitary groups, the Irgun (led by Menachem Begin) and the Stern Gang (led by Yitzhak Shamir), entered the Arab village of Deir Yassin and massacred over 100 men, women and children. Deir Yassin had a population of about 600-750 people, and had a reputation for being a peaceful village. There were also reports of rapes and mutilations.

Excerpt from The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Israeli historian Ilan Pappé:

The scenario of the Long-Awaited Anticipated Regional War between Syria and Israel

The scenario of the long awaited anticipated regional war between Syria and Israel.

Garble Darble

I warned friends that the US is planning to invade Syria/Iraq and gave breaking headlines a while ago about what’s going on.Now I’m going to give you guys a quick hint where the attack will take place.Right now, Iranian troops have finally come to the Syrian army’s aid, destroying the terrorists stationed in Daraa country side, allowing the Syrian army to resume cleaning up Aleppo.The Syrian army is already in “no man’s land” in the Golan heights, meaning that the ceasefire signed in 1974 is official null and voided. The Americans want to stop this, at the rate the Syrian army bolstered by the IRGC is moving, they will liberate the Golan by the end of the year (I’m joking, but this is the basic fear of Israel, that they will now be held accountable for any unprovoked attack they commit on Syria soil).In order to ensure Israel’s safety and to avoid a final, joint counter-attack by Hezbollah, Iran and Syria to stop the flow of terrorists from Syria’s own soil in the Golan, the US will of course intervene directly to protect Israel by taking the Rutba crossing between Jordan, Syria and Iraq. This is one of the towns not taken by ISIS thanks to bombings by the Syrian air force that the US state department condemned. This is the only paved roadway that links Iran directly to Syria by land. By cutting it off, they hope to remove any chance for Iran to continue bolstering the Syrian army so that the gains in Daraa are reversed and the terrorists can finally reach Damascus.In order to prevent Syria from fighting back, the US is now flying strategic bombers, B-1Bs, over Syrian air space. This has a double purpose which I will not cover, but it’s important to note that these bombers can carry 57 tonnes of munitions. Should they set it out with tactical nuclear weapons, just one bomber is enough to wipe out the entire Syrian nation.Obama is also requesting a blank cheque from congress to wage war on the entire planet. The timing is no coincidence.I hope this roughly explains what is going on. A complete analysis requires me to explain what is happening in Ukraine as well, but I am afraid this is all I have time to do for now. Needless to say, Russian silence on the matter is a good indication that they intend to stay out of it. Should the US take the Rutba crossing unimpeded, Syria will have to hold out for Iran to clean up the whole of Iraq. There is a good chance that the capital will eventually fall should this take too long. It’s critical people understand this and understand that the next step after taking Rutba is for the US to enter Syria directly.Arabi Souri Kat Hussamoff Aleppo Omar George Ali El Maratous

obama regime wants to redo criminal bushs war on humanity in iraq and on usa an

Obama regime wants to redo criminal Bush’s war on humanity in Iraq and on USA and expand it further.

Iraq For Sale – History Repeats Itself

Does anyone remember the Iraq war? We sure do! Remember how private military contractors profiteered by price gouging every opportunity they had? Billing the government $100 for a six pack of Coke or a load of laundry? Leasing $45,000 vehicles for $250,000 and pocketing the difference?Remember the lives lost -both American and Iraqi? Remember how #Iraq was destroyed and #ISIS grew stronger?SHARE because it’s happening all over again thanks to #Obama’s new war plans! Watch the Brave New Films documentary “Iraq For Sale”, FREE: httpsa//httpa// because it never really ended, and it’s about to ramp back up! #ThrowbackThursday #TBT

to be used as a justification to pass the obama regime dictatorial executive d

To be used as a justification to pass the Obama regime dictatorial (executive) decree to invade Iraq and syria by land, how convenient the timing is? Who still has doubt these terrorists don’t work for the Pentagon?!

Tanya Gilbert

Important :#ISIS criminals has mobilized 4000 fighters from all of Anbar to assault Ayn Al Asad Iraq military base but didn’t managed to take it

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