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Month: February 2015

How Would the ‘White House’ React to Another Country’s Efforts Working on a ‘Regime Change’ in the USA?

How would the ‘White House’ react to another country’s efforts working on a ‘regime change’ in the USA to a better more democratic less criminal administration? It is very much over due though.

Washington Was Behind Ukraine Coup: Obama admits that US “Brokered a Deal” in Support of “Regime…
US President Barack Obama revealed the United States’ involvement in the Ukrainian crisis from its outset and admitted that the United States “had brokered a deal to transition power in Ukraine.” U…

In Exchange with the Billions of Your Hard Earned Tax Dollars This is What You Get

In exchange with the billions of your hard earned tax dollars, this is what you get from Israel. Just because they own you. Not to mention the daily crimes these radical fanatics commit against the Palestinian civilians and against neighboring countries, with your money, your political coverage, your weapons and in your name, and don’t pretend you don’t know or you disagree.. If you didn’t know now you do, and if you disagree do something about it.

Israel and the Humiliation of America
Whether we like Barack Obama or not, he is our president, and he represents America’s dignity and its world status; and we should never accept the humiliation of our president and our country at the hand of a “client” state, Israel. A country, which but for the US, its leaders and many of its soldie…

syrians who never felt cold or hungry in their country and who opened their home

Syrians who never felt cold or hungry in their country and who opened their homes to hundreds of thousands of those who felt cold and hungry worldwide are now incapable of buying food for their families and fuel to stay warm, no thanks to the western citizens who contributed to this with their tax money and their elected politicians.

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بررررد …؟!
نشرررعلى اوسع نطااااق …؟!

Sweden Tries Syrian Refugee Muhannad Droubi for his Act in 2012 Torturing Kidnapped Policeman

‘Sweden tries a Syrian refugee Muhannad Droubi for his act in 2012 when he was filmed torturing a kidnapped policeman in Latakkia. A Syrian citizen in Sweden filed the case against Droubi and submitted the video as evidence before a Swedish court.’

Syrians and lovers of humanity worldwide are invited, and it’s a responsibility on their shoulders, to file such cases against criminals they find in their countries of residence around the globe. The net is full of evidences of the barbarism and criminality of whom the Obama regime and its stooges were promoting as ‘peaceful protestors’ and ‘freedom fighters’. It’s your responsibility towards humanity, towards the victims of the Syrian crisis, and towards your own families as we’re sure you wouldn’t want your children and loved ones living in same neighborhoods as these cannibals, radical fanatic criminals and the real low life scums’, you never know, maybe one of these criminals under pressure will be able to incriminate their masters, freaks alike McCain the rabid US Senator, Robert S Ford aka Emir of Jihadists et al.

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هااااااااااااااام , السويد تحاكم إرهابياً سورياً بتهمة تعذيب شرطي سوري في اللاذقية
القضاء السويدي يبدأ محاكمة الإرهابي مهند الدروبي أحد عناصر لواء أحرار الساحل في ريف اللاذقية بتهمة تعذيب شرطي سوري بعد خطفه عام 2012 حيث كان الدروبي تقدم بطلب لجوء إلى السويد وحصل على إقامة وبعدها تقدم مواطن سوري إلى القضاء بشريط فيديو يظهر فيه الدروبي وهو يعذب شرطيا سوريا فقامت الشرطة باعتقاله وتقديم للقضاء بتهمة خرق الفصل الثالث من اتفاقية جنيف وارتكاب جريمة ضد الإنسانية
على فكرة الدور قادم لخنازير فورة العهر الي موجودين بألمانيا وبكل أوربا و فكرو حالهم خلصو بعد ما دمرو سورية ؟؟
للنشر و المشاركة.
م . الصورة من الارشيف لغير جاحش

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