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syrian republican guards women battalion after successful operations of the s

Syrian Republican Guards Women Battalion:

After successful operations of the Syrian Republican Guards’ Women Brigade’s infantry in Joubar, the Syrian Republican Guards are expanding this brigade by forming a Tank and Armor Battalion.

These women left their ordinary lives and stepped up to defend their homeland, side by side with the heroes of the Syrian Armed Forces.


Ottoman Turkey is Everything ISIS, Nusra and all alQaeda Affiliates it Claims to be Fighting

Ottoman Turkey is everything ISIS, Nusra and all Alqaeda affiliates, claim to fight, same with Israel, but we never see them except coordinating with each other STRATEGICALLY against Islam and Muslims on all levels. We never saw any of Alqaeda affiliates targeting Turkey or Israel, we did see Turkish intelligence head plotting an attack against own soldiers to provoke a war with Syria accusing ISIS but..?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t blame them for forging their coalitions as it serves them, I blame our government for having best relations with their best buddies namely Russia and Iran. Seems we will never understand the golden rule: my enemy’s friend is my enemy… to my ally and will never be a real and reliable ally.

Lots of due blame also goes to parts of our people who see only half of the truth and refuse to see the whole picture.

buying the newst aircraft and the latest defender leah training more terrorists

buying the newst aircraft and the latest defender more terrorists groups by the name of moderate rebels to fight these creatures while our great Syrian Army made them simply under the hands Such as insects …these creatures who calling #ISIS
P.S it is a real photo not fabricated video

Timeline Photos
طيارات ومدافع وأحدث أجهزة تشويش .. وملك ورئيس مهرج مع طائراته .. .وتدريب كلاب ومرتزقة وخونة وعملاء ليقضوا عليهم … ونحنا ببساطة جندي سوري واحد بيركعهم بالأرض وبيدوس راسهم ….
هؤلاء هم داعش ايها السيدات والسادة …. أحط من الحشرات…. بوط هذا الجندي يعلم الكثير لزعامات هذه الأمة ….
ملاحظة صغيرة ..هذه صورة حقيقية وليست تمثيلية هوليودية مصرية مشتركة ….
buying the newst aircraft and the latest defender more terrorists groups by the name of moderate rebels to fight these creatures while our great Syrian Army made them simply under the hands Such as insects …these creatures who calling #ISIS
P.S it is a real photo not fabricated video — with Hanaa Alasmar and 10 others.

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