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Category: USA

California Water Time Bomb Needs A Gaddafi to Solve their Disaster

California Drought

California water time bomb.

They need a Gaddafi to teach them how to build a giant artificial river, sadly they killed him instead.

Only 1 year of water left in California, NASA scientist suggests rationing
NASA’s top water scientist says California only has about one year’s worth of water left in storage, and its groundwater – often used as a backup for reservoirs and other reserves – is rapidly depleting. He suggests immediately rationing water.

Ambassador Robert S. Ford Role in Igniting Strife Exposed Multiple Times

Robert Ford in Hama 2011

Ambassador Robert S. Ford roles in igniting strife exposed

Multiple times have reported about the heinous roles taken by this rogue US State Dept employee, roles that caused the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people wherever he set foot.

Instead of being an ambassador of US better virtues promoting better relations between his country and the host country, the normal job of an ambassador, his roles are looked at more like dirty agents of CIA and other hit agencies to cause destabilization in countries he’s posted to just to please a small clique in charge of the United States foreign and security policies, which always happen to be against the real interests of the US citizens and rather to the better interests of Israel, the illegal Zionist entity of foreign settlers.

Here’s another post by Global Research criminalizing this thug and should be an alarm awakening to call for a just trial for him and his handlers to the comfort of his victims.

Who is Ambassador Robert Stephen Ford? The Architect of US Sponsored Terrorism in Syria
Author’s Note In recent developments, the Western media is portraying former US Ambassador to Syria Robert Stephen Ford as a “moderate”, committed to supporting so-called “moderate mainstream oppos…

Syria’s Assad to Obama Regime: ‘What Do You Get From Sponsoring Terrorists in Our Region?’

Syrian President Bashar Assad

Syria’s Assad to Obama Regime: ‘What Do You Get From Sponsoring Terrorists in Our Region?’

Syria’s Assad to America: “What Do You Get From Supporting Terrorists in Our Region?” –
In a recent interview, Syrian President Bashar Assad makes some interesting observations. When asked “If you were able to deliver a message to President Obama today, what would it be?” Assad responded (via VIE): I think the normal thing that you ask any official in the world is to work for the inte…

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