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SDF Separatists Israelize Houses in Raqqa, Kidnap Civilians in Deir Ezzor

Kurdish SDF armed group Israelize houses in Raqqa

US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist armed group Israelized dozens of houses in Raqqa city and kidnapped 3 civilians in Deir Ezzor province, north of Syria.

The SDF armed group brought in bulldozing and demolition vehicles to the city and bulldozed dozens of houses near the Hazima roundabout, in the north of the city, the separatist armed group expelled the Syrian citizens from their homes and displaced the residents, exactly what the Israeli settlers are doing to the Palestinians since 1917.

As if the USA has a special enmity with the city of Raqqa, years after its illegal coalition flattened the city to an unlivable condition under the pretext of fighting ISIS which all indications prove they’ve created and sponsored, its proxies now are completing the task to make sure the city never lives again. Raqqa has special strong importance in the Muslim heritage, it was selected by the strongest Abbassid Caliph Haroun Al Rashid to be the second capital after Baghdad of one of the most prosperous Islamic civilizations.

Herds of the Kurdish SDF armed group also violently the residents when they tried to protest against this war crime.

In neighboring Deir Ezzor province, herds of the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF armed group kidnapped 3 civilians from Al Shheel town in the eastern Deir Ezzor countryside.

The residents tried to block the Kurdish armed group from kidnapping the civilians, the Kurds in return started using weapons against the unarmed civilians.

This came just a couple of days after the Kurds raided the villages of Izbah, Muayzilia, and Tayeb Fal in northern Deir Ezzor countryside, and the village of Al Sobh in the eastern countryside and kidnapped 12 civilians.

The Kurds are trying to establish their dream state over the land of others in northern Syria, most of their grandfathers were hosted in northern Syria after they fled the Ottoman oppression and later the Iraqi and Turkish oppression, the Syrians received them and offered them shelter and decent life not knowing those who fled oppression will become the oppressors when they get a foreign sponsorship a few decades later.

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