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obama regimes moderate terrorists target aleppo city as well including local

Obama regime’s ‘Moderate terrorists’ target Aleppo city as well including local market, schools compound and residential buildings..

‫المجموعات المرتزقة تستهدف حي شارع النيل‬

‫#حلب | حي #شارع_النيل رصد عدسة شبكة أخبار حلب A.N.N البديلة لآثار الدمار نتيجة إستهداف السوق المحليّة وتجمّع المدارس الملاصقة له بالقذائف الصاروخيّة واسطوانات الغاز عند ساعات اليوم الأولىشهيدة وعدد من الجرحى كانت حصيلة هذا الإعتداء السافر من قبل ما يسميه الغرب بالـ #معارضة_معتدلة بالإضافة لأضرار ماديّة كبيرة .‬

this is the recent history of the usa and the west in general syria is a 12000

This is the recent history of the USA and the West in general. Syria is a 12,000 years of CIVILIZATION and counting you MFs.

Timeline Photos
BLACK HISTORY PHOTO OF THE DAY: This photo of a finely dressed black mother and daughter — standing below a “Colored Entrance” sign at a bus station in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1956 — was taken by Gordon Parks, one of the seminal figures of twentieth century photography. A humanitarian with a deep commitment to social justice, Parks left behind a body of work that documents race relations, poverty, civil rights and urban life. Please Like and Share!

6 things about islam everyone has to know as a basic learning before one falls p

6 things about Islam everyone has to know as a basic learning before one falls prey to media masters and starts stereotyping and generalizing..

6 Things about Islam that everyone has to know

These are 6 things that every person needs to know about ISLAM and Muslims. Please help educate the people who just don’t know the facts about ISLAM and who have been misinformed by the Media. Everyone can do a little which would mean allot, SHARE!!!Key Points of This VideoIntroduction [start time 00:00]Do Muslims hate Jesus? [start time 00:59]What does Jihad mean? [start time 01:33]Who is a Martyr?Are Muslims savages in war? [start time 02:40]Do women have rights in Islam? [start time 03:35]Was Islam spread by the sword? [start time 04:41]Are Muslims terrorists? [start time 05:50]Conclusion [start time 07:15]________________________________________Please subscribe to my youtube channel a contributor to TheDeenShow

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