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as long as russia follows nato script theres no hope in it httpwww electro

As Long As Russia Follows NATO Script There’s No Hope in It.

Russia offers Iran latest anti-aircraft missile system | Electronic Resistance
The head of Russian state defense conglomerate Rostec says Moscow has offered Iran its latest Antey-2500 missile defense systems after a deal to

Turkey & Alqaeda, ISIS, FSA: Muslim Brotherhood Connection

Turkey & Alqaeda, ISIS, FSA: Muslim Brotherhood Connection was among the very first to highlight Turkish alliance with Alqaeda terrorists in North Syria and was the first to be blocked in Turkey among the victims of Erdogan regime’s anti-journalist war.

How Turkish Troops Entered Syria with ISIS and Kurdish Assistance
Turkish troops entered Syria, as part of a well-planned operation, to relocate the remains of Suleiman Shah. The “seamless” operation relied on alliances and understandings forged by Ankara with the K

syrian republican guards women battalion after successful operations of the s

Syrian Republican Guards Women Battalion:

After successful operations of the Syrian Republican Guards’ Women Brigade’s infantry in Joubar, the Syrian Republican Guards are expanding this brigade by forming a Tank and Armor Battalion.

These women left their ordinary lives and stepped up to defend their homeland, side by side with the heroes of the Syrian Armed Forces.


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