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Earthquake Measuring 4.3 degrees Struck Northeast of Damascus

Earthquake northeast of Damascus - Syria

An earthquake measuring 4.3 on the Richter scale struck shortly after midnight in northeastern Damascus.

Geophysicist Majed Hafez of the National Seismic Center stated that the quake occurred at 12 o’clock and eight minutes after midnight local time and that its center was located about 50 km northeast of Damascus, the statement carried by the Syrian news agency SANA.

Hafez added that the intensity of the quake measured 4.3 on the Richter scale, and its center was determined in the Damascus countryside governorate at 33.723 latitude and 36.898 longitude, which would be east of Al-Qutayfah District, near the Damascus – Tadmor (Palmyra) highway.

Most people in Damascus, and in Syria in general, would not feel the tremor as they are accustomed to bombings, especially Israeli bombing around midnight, in addition to car and IED explosions, no thanks to NATO member states, the Gulfies, and their regional stooges.

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1 Comment

  1. Muhammad Turkmani

    As if everything else was perfect and all missing was an earthquake, thanks God for everything, there’s no casualties reported and hopefully this is just an isolated incident.


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