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6 Separatist Kurdish SDF Militiamen Killed in Deir Ezzor and Hasakah

US sponsored separatist Kurdish SDF militia north Syria

Five of the US-sponsored separatist Kurdish SDF militiamen in attacks against their posts and vehicles in the eastern countryside of the Deir Ezzor province, northern Syria.

Three of the Kurdish separatist SDF militiamen were killed in an attack carried out by unknown armed men against one of their illegal posts in the Tayyanah town, east of Deir Ezzor.

Two other Kurdish separatist SDF militiamen were killed in an IED explosion planted in one of their military vehicles near the town of Theban in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor.

One more Kurdish SDF militiaman was killed and a number of others injured in an attack in the vicinity of Tal Tamr and on the Khurafi Road in the southern Hasakah countryside.

The United States and its NATO allies are using the separatist Kurdish militias of the SDF and other affiliates against the Syrian people in exchange for a new Balfour promise to Israelize northern parts of Syria, similar to what the Turkish madman Erdogan is doing with his anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood terrorists of Al Qaeda and its derivatives in the regions they’re infesting. All of them are just pawns in a larger project run by the hegemonic United States of America and its cronies against sovereign nations around the world.

The crimes the Kurdish SDF militia and their affiliates are committing against the Syrian people in order to serve their NATO patrons are regrettable and unforgivable, the repercussion on the Syrian Kurdish communities postwar will be very negative as the wounds are very deep and Syrians hate traitors and back-stabbers.

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Trump SDF forces burn Syrian wheat, June 2019.
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