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3 Kurdish SDF Militiamen Killed Several Others Injured in Multiple Attacks

Kurdish SDF and US forces north Syria

New attacks targeting the US-sponsored Kurdish separatist SDF armed militias in the northern provinces of Syria scored at least two dead and several others injured in the past 24 hours.

The latest casualties among the separatist militiamen were the results of multiple attacks in the provinces of Raqqa, Der Ezzor, and Hasakah, in the north and northeastern regions of Syria where the Kurdish militiamen operate as guards for Trump forces stealing Syrian oil.

One of the attacks against the SDF militiamen was in Section 1 of the infamous Al Hol concentration camp operated by the SDF and Trump forces in the countryside of Hasakah, northeast of Syria. Unknown gunmen shot dead one SDF militiamen. The Al Hol concentration camp is one of the worse camps to hold families of Syrian and non-Syrian civilians and terrorists in the country and has witnessed dozens of attacks against the Kurdish separatist SDF armed militias killing and injuring many of them in the past few months.

Another attack by a roadside bomb detonated in a vehicle carrying SDF militiamen in the vicinity of the Raqqa Central Prison, the attack destroyed the vehicle and inflicted multiple injuries among the armed separatist US-sponsored Kurdish SDF militiamen.

A day earlier in the Baghouz village in eastern Der Ezzor countryside, an armed militiaman of the Kurdish SDF separatists was killed and another injured in an attack on a checkpoint they were guarding.

The increase of the attacks against the US-sponsored Kurdish SDF separatist militias is understandable due to the criminal role these militias are carrying out against the people of Syria, in addition to their enmity against the Turkish-sponsored anti-Islamic Muslim Brotherhood terrorists, leaving the back of the Kurdish militias to the Trump forces and their imminent exit towards Iraq, where the commanders of the SDF militias initially came from along with the US forces.

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