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Month: February 2015

Syrians Used to Receive Cooking Gas Cylinders to their Doorsteps at the Cheapest prices Worldwide

Syrians used to receive oil & gas cylinders to their doorsteps at the cheapest prices worldwide, before the Obama regime decided to export its ‘values’ to Syria.. ‘Values’ including Nusra Front, ISIS, FSA et al..

Syrian news

Distribution of oil and gas cylinders in a suburb of the city of Daraa

20 million brits live in poverty but their government have enough money to finan

20 million Brits live in poverty but their government have enough money to finance terrorist groups like ISIS then launch wars against it and their queen and her family live as parasites on their people account but they have the face to talk about democracies elsewhere! Who elected the Queen? I always say monarchies don’t have a say in democracies, it’s a blatant contradiction.

20 million Brits live in poverty

another blow to the us dollar thus time under the belt russia amp egypt to use n

Another blow to the US dollar, thus time under the belt: Russia & Egypt to use national currencies in bilateral trade ditching the fragile and non-gold backed US currency.

Moscow & Cairo to drop USD, use national currencies in bilateral trade – Putin
Russia and Egypt might soon exclude the US dollar and use their national currencies in the settlement of accounts in bilateral trade, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview to Egyptian media ahead of his Monday visit to the country.

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