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14 Civilians Wounded in NATO Proxies Infighting in Aleppo Countryside

NATO terrorists in northern Syria

Infighting between NATO proxy groups in the western countryside of the city of Al-Bab of Aleppo province left 14 civilians injured, 5 of them are children.

Clashes with heavy weapons between terrorist groups loyal to the Turkish Madman Erdogan and the separatist Kurdish SDF terrorists in the northern Aleppo province resulted in injuries among the Syrians living in the area, 5 children, 3 women, and 6 men sustained different wounds.

The shelling with heavy weapons caused panic among the civilians, mostly farmers, and caused material damages in several houses, local sources reported.

Erdogan forces in the Turkish Army, NATO’s second-largest army, joined the infighting on the side of Al Qaeda affiliated groups and shelled several villages in the villages around Manbij in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo. The indiscriminate shelling with artillery by the Turkish army resulted in material damage in the houses and farmlands of the Syrians living in that area.

Both Erdogan terrorists and the Kurdish separatist terrorists are pushing to Israelize more land in the areas they occupy in northern Syria, both of them work under the supervision of the USA and receive logistical support, intelligence information, and material equipment from other NATO member states.

The infighting among factions within these terrorist groups also often occurs over splitting the spoils of war they manage to steal from the houses they storm after uprooting its people.

Meanwhile, after meeting US reporter Martin Smith, the head of Al Qaeda Levant (Nusra Front) announced he will run for the upcoming Syrian presidential elections scheduled for June 2021.

Head of Al Qaeda Levant Joulani HTS presidential candidate
Head of Al Qaeda Levant HTS presidential candidate
US reporter meets Al Qaeda leader in northern Syria
Head of Al Qaeda Levant Joulani (Left) with US ‘Reporter’ Martin Smith (Right)

This is an obvious mockery to elections itself in Syria by NATO member states, and a mockery to the democratic process the US keep bragging about its responsibility to export its non-existing ‘surplus of democracy’ to the rest of the world that doesn’t need the US version of ‘lobbycracy’, especially nobody asked the USA and nobody wants to achieve democracy under the US drones where individuals like Al Qaeda chief is a candidate.

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